For service today, we will be coming from Luke 23:13-24; 33-34. (Read the full chapter if you would like.) We will be discussing the problems of lacking accountability and authority as well as hypocrisy.
More specifically, we will be looking at how the crowd can influence our faith and allow us to move against what we know is right.
Earlier this year, we studied what it means to be in the wilderness (with Moses) and asked ourselves, “Is it WELL with Our Souls?”
This month, we will encounter the reality that “The Hour Has Come” in this series that walks with Christ from the communion table to the cross and from the resurrection to Pentecost.
Order of Service:
SONG: You’re Amazing by Ricky Dillard • Video
PRAYER : Lady Aisha Brock
PSALM : Lady Mykael Dixon – Psalm 33:1-12
TESTIMONY : Tierinii Jackson – I Have So Much to Thank My Jesus For • Sis. Tierinii Jackson is anointed to …
OFFERING : Send to $NewHopeRBC
SCRIPTURE : Luke 23:13-24; 33-34 Reading by Aisha Brock
Please join us in this study! And let us know your thoughts.
#NewHope #NewHopeRBC #BibleReading
#BibleStudy #NewRestoration #NewBeginnings #NewCreation
Sermon by Pastor D Nicole Williams’
Sermon Handout